Loan Services

Small Business Loan - SBA

At Cal Pacific Capital, we understand the importance of obtaining the necessary funding to make your business grow. Our Small Business Loan (SBA) Service is the perfect fit for businesses looking to expand their operations or refinance debts. With our loan services, you can rest assured that your funding needs will be met at the most affordable rates in the industry.

Our repayment terms range from 7 to 25 years, depending on the intended use of the funds. These loans are ideal for strong-credit borrowers who have been in business for at least two years and are willing to put in the extra effort during the application process.

We understand that you need a loan that not only meets your business needs but also offers flexibility and convenience. With our Small Business Loan (SBA) Service, you get the best of both worlds: flexibility in repayment terms and the right amount of funding to support your business's growth.

Don't let your business's potential go untapped; take advantage of our Small Business Loan (SBA) service today! Contact us and let us help you grow your business to its full potential.

Contact Information

Connect with Cal Pacific Capital Today - Let's Fuel Your Business Dreams

Don't let funding be a hurdle on your entrepreneurial journey - reach out to us at (657) 445-8791 or fill in your details below. Let's embark on a journey towards your business success together.